The Revolutionists
about the book
Michael Stonebreaker comes from good American stock. He loves his country, his family, and the diversity of friends and freedoms living in the United States affords. His father and grandfather before him fought to safeguard the principles he believes have led his country to unparalleled greatness. Now, the stalemate between the dark undercurrent of US politics and futile public discontent has reached the breaking point. An ingenious plot to save the nation will shatter his ideals of loyalty and patriotism, and rock the United States to its Constitutional core.
Political Suspense
about the Author
Biff Price's tapestry of life experiences has uniquely colored his foray into a writing career. He's been an English teacher, newspaper columnist, and editor. He's worked in construction and manhandled drums of antifreeze and motor oil for a living; he understands the value of hard, backbreaking work. Price is an American writer who knows what it's like to get up early in the morning, put in a full day, and go to bed tired, just like millions of Americans do every day. He's also navigated the hallowed halls of academia, having taught writing skills to graduate students for more than 15 years. Biff Price and his wife live on an island where smart phones, tablets, and the ever-evolving landscape of electronic devices unite them with millions of people who still like to read good books.